For creating effective and secure online applications, Rest API is a strong and well-liked technology. It serves as the de facto benchmark for developing distributed communication protocols over the Internet.

In this article, we’ll go through the top REST Assured interview questions you should be able to handle before your next interview. These questions will range from general to those that may call for more technical or in-depth answers.

What Do You Mean by REST?

A collection of principles and recommendations called REST (Representational State Transfer) outlines how web-based applications should talk to one another. HTTP is the protocol used by web browsers to communicate with servers, and REST specifies a standard way to submit requests to a web server using this protocol.

RESTful web services facilitate online communication between various software programs and hardware devices. These web services are built on an interface that is consistent and uses HTTP verbs like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

Top REST Assured Interview Questions

Q1. Why is Rest Assured Used for API Testing? What is it?

A1. A popular Java-based library called Rest Assured is used to test RESTful APIs. Creating test cases for RESTful online services, it offers a collection of simple-to-use APIs. Because Rest Assured enables you to verify the functioning of RESTful web services, you can use it to test APIs to make sure they function as intended. Using Rest Assured, you can verify the structure of the API response, the validity of the status codes, and the API response itself.

Q2. Why Would an Automated Restful Service use REST Assured rather than Postman?

A2. Due to REST Assured’s ability to customize reports, Postman is unable to complete this. In contrast to Postman, the REST Assured Java client permits code reuse. Finally, Postman has a limit of one data file, whereas REST Assured has no constraints on data file uploads for collections.

Q3. Describe the Request Specification and Response in Rest Assured.

A3. Both the Request Specification and the Response are secure interfaces. The specification of the request’s appearance is made possible via request specification. There are ways to define the base URL, base path, headers, body, etc., in the request Specification Interface. In order to provide a response to the request, the response interface extends the ResponseBody and ResponseOptions interfaces.

Q4. What is the Payload of RESTFul Web Service?

A4. The data that is transmitted across the network in the request and response messages is the payload of a RESTful web service.

The payload of a RESTful web service normally consists of a representation of a resource, which can be in plain text, XML, or any other number of formats. Information regarding the operation to be carried out on the resource is often included in the payload of a RESTful web service’s request message. The payload of a RESTful web service generally has a significant impact on the architecture as a whole since it influences how the service interacts with its users and the types of data that can be delivered back and forth.

Q5. How Does Rest Assured Operate Internally?

A5. A library called Rest Assured offers several simple techniques for testing RESTful APIs. The HTTP client library is used by the library to send an HTTP request to the API endpoint and receive a response when a developer creates a test case using Rest Assured. The response data, which is frequently in JSON format, is then deserialized into Java objects using a library. The developer can then employ the offered methods to examine the answer’s status code, response headers, and response body, among other elements. Writing test cases in a legible and language-like syntax is simple using Rest Assured fluent API design.

Q6.  Define Client-server Architecture.

A6. The client-server architecture model outlines the distribution of resources and services among one or more clients by a server. Web, mail, and file servers are some instances of servers. In light of this, whenever a client requests a resource, the server fulfills the request.

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Q7. What Does Messaging Mean in the REST Context?

A7. The back-and-forth communication between the client and API is referred to as messaging in REST. An interaction always begins with the client sending an HTTP request to the API. After processing this request, the API replies with an HTTP response that includes information about the request’s status and any resources the client requested.

Q8. What is a URI?

A8.  A uniform resource identifier is referred to as a URI. A URI in REST is a string that designates a resource on a web server. Each resource has a distinct URI that, when used in an HTTP request, enables clients to target that resource and take action on it. Addressing is the process of using a resource’s URI to target it.

Q9. What are a Few REST’s Shortcomings?

A9. Statelessness is an advantage of REST, but it can also occasionally be a disadvantage. REST doesn’t maintain state. In other words, the server does not save information about previous interactions. The client is responsible for maintaining the state if it is necessary. Additionally, REST has less stringent security controls than SOAP, so developers must exercise caution and only use APIs from reliable, trustworthy providers.

Q10. Why REST Assured Method Chaining is Important.

A10. Method chaining is a commonly used syntax in the context of object-oriented programming languages to invoke any number of method calls. Multiple calls can be chained together in a single line because every method returns an object. Because of this trait, interim findings can be held without the need for variables.


The need for Java programmers is consistently high because Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the IT industry. In the creation of software, Java is the most used programming language. The Java language “rest assured” is frequently used and is well-known for being in high demand. REST is a fantastic tool for building lightweight Web services that are simple to use, manage, and find. Due to this, professional chances are also very alluring.