Is it because of your busy schedule that you don’t have time to practice yoga?!! Or do you feel tired and suffer from backache in the office more often? You should try office yoga once. Yes, office yoga is a thing and is getting very popular these days. Trainers will tell you the best asanas, poses, and practices to follow.

What is Office Yoga?

It is a style of practicing yoga at the office while working. It includes meditation and some yoga asanas done in a single session or multiple small ones.

Why is Office Yoga becoming so popular?!!

The hype is because it helps alleviate some common office problems faced by many. The problems it helps to alleviate are tight hips and necks, eye fatigue and swelling, headaches, and sore backs.

CBD & Yoga- Why is this blend becoming popular?


CBD & Yoga or CBD Yoga is getting popular nowadays as both complements each other’s effects. CBD users claim that CBD enhances their overall yoga experience and benefits. CBD is used for its balancing powers by yogis. CBD helps with office yoga too. It helps release the tension in the muscles and the stress on the mind. You can get the best CBD melatonin gummies for sleep or any other products from online reputable brands stores which can be ordered online and delivered to your home. It helps you deal with the anxiety of deadlines and unfinished work. It, along with yoga, improves your health and happiness.

CBD & Yoga are like a perfect match!

  • CBD stands for cannabidiol which comes from the hemp plant.
  • CBD is free from any high sensation i.e a non-psychoactive substance.
  • Increases focus and relax your body and mind.
  • Compliments Yoga and improves its effectiveness.
  • There are multiple products like the best CBD melatonin gummies for sleep, CBD capsules, oil, and tinctures.

Adding CBD to your Office Routine


Adding CBD to your office drinks like tea or coffee half an hour before your office yoga would help enhance the calming benefits. Both yoga and CBD are known for their therapeutic and pain-relieving effects. You can take your CBD dose at the office as a tincture, oil, gummies or by mixing it into your lunch.

5 Amazing ways to do Yoga at the office


Stretching is the most important step in yoga for releasing muscle tension and assisting with relaxation. While at the office, the muscles of your body get stiff due to sitting in the same position for a very long time. To reduce the stiffness and relax your muscles, you should do some stretches like wrist stretches, cat-cow stretches, neck rolls, seated eagle, seated forward bend etc.


Yoga Poses you can perform at the office

Some of the asanas or poses you need to include in your office yoga are Neck Asana, Reverse shoulder rolls, Thoracic waves, Seated Crescent Moon Pose, Chair Pigeon Pose, Sit and Stand Chair Pose, Stork Pose, Eagle Twist, and Supported Chair Pose.

Practice Some Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises help to regain your calm after all of the office stress. The following are the most effective breathing exercises:

  • Sama Vriti or Equal Breathing,
  • Abdominal Breathing,
  • Nadi Shodana or Alternate Nostril Breathing
  • Kapalabhati, or skull-shining breath,
  • Pranayama Chandra BhoednaMoon Breath
  • Sitali Pranayama or Cooling Breath
  • Sitkari Pranayama or Hissing Teeth Breath


Desk Exercises

If you have enough room in your office, you should definitely do some desk exercise. Some effective desk exercises for backache and muscle pain are desk planks, desk upward dog pose, and desk chaturanga.


Make sure that your office yoga routine includes breathing exercises and meditation. Some people find that meditating for 10 minutes in their office yoga is enough to completely rejuvenate them. You can do small sessions of meditation, too.