Having a commercial trash compactor can give you some serious benefits, especially if you are still using open garbage bins.

Cutting Costs

If you are still using an open garbage container then you are having the highest possible waste removal cost per cubic yard. However, if you switch to commercial compactors then it’s possible to reduce your trash volume by 75%. This translates to a reduction in garbage hauling costs.

Improve The Appearance Of Your Property

Your commercial property may not be appealing if there is loose trash blowing across it, particularly when it finds its way into your landscaping and fencing. However, with a compactor, solid waste is locked inside a container so there is no garbage cluttering up your property.

Reduce Odors At Your Property

The smell of wet garbage that has been cooking in the hot summer sun is enough to turn off anyone from visiting your business. However, with a commercial compactor, you are able to contain this garbage with a leak-proof receptacle. If there is excess liquid in your garbage, it can also be captured and diverted to a drain to prevent other unnecessary odors at your business.

Compactors Eliminate Pests

When you have an open garbage bin, it’s easy for pests to be attracted to your trash. With a compactor, you are able to secure your garbage and keep away cockroaches, bees, raccoons, rats, flies, and more. Eliminating pests at your business site will make your property more appealing.

Trash Compactors: Everything You Need to Know

Reduce Fire Damage

Garbage fires may not be super common but they can happen. A commercial compactor can lock in any combustible materials using an airtight container to eliminate your risk of fires that can easily damage your property and cost you a lot of money.

Decrease Wear And Tear On Pavement

Every time a heavy garbage truck comes to your property to pick up the trash, it takes a toll on asphalt and cement outside your location. If you are able to compact your solid waste then you are able to reduce your pick-ups. You may be able to go down on scheduled garbage pickups from five days a week to just one or even less, depending on how much trash your business has. This way, you are able to extend the life of some of your expensive infrastructure.

No More Dumpster Divers

If your garbage isn’t secured then someone may want to go through it for his or her own resale or use. This means that they could get hurt in the process and even end up suing you for damages. You also don’t want to have people going through your garbage in general. When waste is stored inside a commercial trash compactor then you are able to protect yourself from a large liability risk.

Given the many benefits that commercial compactors offer to improve property safety and appearance, as well as cut costs, it makes sense to look at your options for better storing your trash.