Just as exciting as it is to relax by the beach, the ACDC marijuana strain is another way to feel calm and collected! You may not always have access to the beach, but you can use ACDC when you need it!

This strain has a high level of CBD and can help with many medical conditions, from anxiety to epilepsy.

You really can’t go wrong with taking this incredible strain! If you’re new to taking marijuana, ACDC also is ideal for beginners.

If you’re wondering whether the ACDC strain is for you and would like to learn more, keep reading to gain some insight.

1. It Makes You Feel Relaxed and Happy

If you’re going through a lot of stress at home or work (or both!) ACDC can help with that. Consuming this strain can take the edge of what is bothering you and allow you to chill out and relax.

A lot of people report feeling as if their anxiety has lifted after taking ACDC. It enables them to feel calm and stop dwelling on things they can’t control.

2. It’s High in CBD

If you’re looking for a strain with little THC, then you’ll be happy to learn that it has a 20:1 CBD-to-THC ratio. The amount of CBD ACDC has is excellent news if you’d prefer not to have that much THC in your system.

CBD is great to help you feel calm, plus it can treat other ailments like achy muscles and pain.

3. It’s a Parent to Other CBD-Rich Hybrids

ACDC is responsible for the creation of many CBD-rich hybrids!

You may or may not have heard of these hybrids before. And if you’ve already tried them and like any of these strains, you can give partial credit and thanks to ACDC.

Check out a few hybrid strains that come from ACDC:

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  • Thunderstruck (S1 hybrid of ACDC and ACDC)
  • HarleSin (Harlequin and ACDC)
  • Incredible Power (BluePowder, Omrita, and ACDC)
  • Treasure Island (Swiss Gold and ACDC)

You have to love some of these creative hybrid names – and there’s no doubt you’ll enjoy these strains too!

4. It Smells and Tastes Great

Marijuana does have a smell, and some strains smell better than others. The same goes for the taste. ACDC is one such strain that smells and tastes well!

Many say it smells like citrus with a slightly earthy undertone.

As for the taste, many people report that it tastes sweet yet peppery. Some people have also said it can also taste like pine. So, try it out and observe how it tastes and smells to you!

5. It’s Hard to Grow

If you’re debating whether to grow ACDC in an indoor or outdoor garden, you may want to hold off. Growing this strain proves to be challenging as it is very temperamental.

There are several reasons why it’s more challenging than other strains to grow:

  • It needs a platform that’ll support its branches
  • It’s not very resistant to pests and needs a lot of attention
  • It requires extra minerals like calcium and magnesium
  • It takes 9-10 weeks to flower

If you’re up for the challenge and have grown marijuana before, then growing ACDC may work well for you. But if you don’t have the time or patience to observe this fragile plant, you may want to save this project for another time.

6. You May Get a Dry Mouth

One side effect of smoking marijuana is getting a dry mouth. This is true of using any strain, including ACDC.

You can prevent a dry mouth by — you guessed it — drinking more water!

While smoking, it’s common to experience dizziness, dry eyes, and a dry mouth. If you start having side effects from smoking marijuana, you could be smoking too much.

If that’s the case, cut back so that you won’t experience them. If you have too many side effects, it may defeat the purpose of smoking weed. After all, you’re likely doing it to help you relax and treat other conditions. Creating problems by smoking too much won’t help matters!

7. It’s One of the Top Cannabis Strains for Medical Use

Many use this strain for medical purposes as it can be effective for various illnesses. Furthermore, it can treat people who suffer from mental illnesses.

ACDC is anxiolytic, which means it can help those with depression and PTSD. In severe cases where people have been unable to feel relief, ACDC has offered hope.

Studies have shown that ACDC can decrease symptoms for various illnesses like epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease. For example, people prefer using ACDC for Parkinson’s tremors as it can reduce pain.


It’s true and exciting that ACDC offers a lot of benefits. Its calming properties and low THC make it a favorite strain for many.

If you’re new to marijuana, why not give ACDC a try? With so many strains out there, this one comes highly rated.

So, whether you need some stress relief or are struggling with a medical condition, ACDC may be what pulls you through.